We welcome volunteers of all kinds and seek to connect our communities in the United States with our communities in Zimbabwe. We encourage our volunteers and donors to follow their passions when giving their time and money, and are happy to discuss ways to make that happen. One of our supporters even biked Africa top to bottom to raise money for our efforts - though we don't expect all of our supporters to go to these lengths! We have participated with several Girl Scouts on their Gold Star Awards and are happy to work with teens.
Your entire family can support our efforts by attending our annual fund run, held this year in August.
To lend a hand, collect materials or donations or to discuss your idea to help the children of Zimbabwe, drop us an email at
Over the years many of our supporters have asked how they might be able to get involved in our efforts to improve the health and educational opportunities for children in Zimbabwe. Some have even organized groups of like minded teenagers to travel to Zimbabwe and roll up their sleeves to work directly with communities in need. Several groups have gone over to work at preschool sites both engaging young children in preschool activities and rolling up their sleeves to refurbish preschool buildings. Others have sought out ways they can help by doing something 'hands on' right here at home. Below are a few ways that school children and adults have worked to help the children of Zimbabwe, as well as some ways that our donors are choosing to celebrate birthdays, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and anniversaries through donations for the JF Kapnek Trust.
The Bricker family in the East Bay has supported the Kapnek Trust in various ways, but when middle schooler Alison Bricker heard we needed scissors she jumped on the job - she headed up a scissor driver at her middle school.
It was a multi-step process. Allison first had to get permission from the Vice Principal and Leadership Advisor at Iron Horse Middle School, and then got buy-in from the school leadership group. Next, Allison focused on getting out the word. Working with the Media Group at school, she made a video clip that explained the mission of the Kapnek Trust and why she was collecting scissors for preschoolers in Zimbabwe. The video aired on televisions in each homeroom class during a regular morning show resulting in donations of hundreds of pairs of preschooler scissors.
Students in Miss Krogh's 3rd Grade class mounted a school-wide Books and Balls Drive that resulted in hundreds of books being donated to Kapnek preschools. The students learned about Zimbabwe and made short presentations to all the other classes. They also collected and boxed up the gently used gifts.
St. Mary's students have actively supported the Kapnek Trust for several years. Their projects have included filling small zippered plastic bags with enough school supplies for one preschooler, selling Kapnek Fun Run t-shirts to raise money to buy preschool supplies, and also collecting gently used materials, toys and clothing. Many preschools have benefited from these hardworking and generous students. Thanks for all you do!
Oakland storeowner Claudette Von Rusten has had a special place in her heart for Africa for some time. When she learned that the Kapnek Trust was opening preschools, she decided to help make sure that students can actually get to them. Many students are in poor rural areas and don't have shoes to protect their feet, and to keep them warm and dry in the cool, rainy winters of Zimbabwe.
Claudette started to ask customers at her Oakland children's clothing store if they would like to donate their children's gently worn shoes when they came in to buy new ones. Many people replied, "Yes!" And over the past few years, Claudette has collected 1000s of shoes that have enjoyed a second (and perhaps third) life in Zimbabwe.
It's a simple idea that combines reuse with the opportunity to show even the youngest children that they can share with others halfway around the world.
The Moraga Junior Women's Club have been involved with the J.F. Kapnek Trust for years. With an initial donation of $10,000, the juniors established a preschool. In past years, the group has collected shoes, school supplies and in 2009 purchased hundreds of diapers and bars of soap.
Students, from preschoolers to high schoolers, have donated their art and their time to support the maintenance of a Kapnek preschool in Zimbabwe. Through Creek Kids Care, a nonprofit organization based in Walnut Creek, students turn their original art into cards. These cards are sold through the organization's website and at local markets, churches and school events. Some of the proceeds support the maintenance of Masiyarwa Preschool. To learn more about how to host an art party with Creek Kids Care, how to get involved or how to order cards, visit their website at
Samantha Sullivan of Pleasant Hill decided to collect books, lots of books to send to Kapnek supported preschools in Zimbabwe, so she organized the team and came up with a simple and effective plan.
She attached informative fliers to paper shopping bags and then recruited a team of volunteers to help distribute them throughout area neighborhoods. A week later, the team returned to pick up the donations and to help sort and pack the bags with gently used children's books.
Samantha earned her Girl Scout Gold Star, the organization's highest award, and hundreds of children in Zimbabwe are now enjoying stories sent halfway around the world just for them. Congratulations, Samantha, and thank you!
Many of the girls in Girl Scout troop 31116 In Lafayette, California, are passionate soccer players. So when the troop started looking for a community service project, it seemed natural to combine their love of the sport with their desire to help others. The troop started collecting gently used soccer uniforms, cleats, shin guards and balls from their league.
So far, the troop has collected hundreds of uniforms - enough to support dozens of teams in Zimbabwe, and they plan to make the drive an annual part of their soccer season - and their Girls Scout calendar. Go Troop 31116! High five for your good works!!
Jake Margolis and his class at Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School, were looking for a way to help other kids. When they learned about the J.F. Kapnek Trust, they voted to donate a large portion of their gifts from friends and relatives in celebration of their 13th year and achieving their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.
The J.F. Kapnek Trust is happy to help you celebrate the big moments in your life and would acknowledge such gifts with a personalized thank you note. Contact us at for details.